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The Importance of a Mom-cation

Aisha Spencer

I never knew how much I needed a momcation until my best friend invited me on my first one. Let me start off by saying, I freaking LOVE being a mom. It is one of my greatest joys, but BABY I miss being ME. I miss AISHA. For the last 18 years I have been Mom, DeAndre’s mom, Donovan’s mom, the Boys mom, Team mom, Auntie mom and even Godmom; all names that I LOVE. However, for six days I am JUST Aisha. I wake up when I want, relax without being asked for something, no laundry – NO RESPONSIBILITIES. Waking up and taking a walk on the beach and just reflecting has given me a new look on my life. It’s so peaceful and serene. These six days I plan on doing things I have only imagined doing because as a mom I am always thinking of the kids before myself. I was scared at first. I was traveling alone out of the country. Yes, I was meeting my best friend there, but I still had to travel to get there alone. This was something new for me as I am always used to traveling with someone. But, I was ready. I had my book and journal. Let the trip begin.

Let me tell you about this trip. I went swimming with fish! As I sat on the beach with my best friend, some of the locals walked by and asked if we wanted to take a boat ride and go snorkeling. I was overjoyed and said let’s do it. We had about an hour before the excursion to get ready. As time grew closer, I started doubting myself. I started thinking maybe this is not a good idea. My bestie said WE are doing this babe. We got on the boat, and I was terrified. I thought we were going to stay close to shore and be in the shallow area, however, the boat kept going further and further into the open ocean. The captain said alright, I am throwing the anchor out here…get your mask and go! As my bestie jumped out the boat into the ocean I was filled with fear. I kept thinking about my kids and the what if’s. I also was thinking, “how are you going to do all this before experiencing it with your kids?” The guilt was building up. As I watched my bestie smiling and enjoying, I said come on Aisha, this is what you wanted, some Aisha time. I jumped off that boat and felt so free. Looking under the water and seeing all the fish, the coral and life’s beauty…I knew this was what I needed. Aisha finally came out. As the trip went on, I continued to enjoy myself. I went ATV riding through the city with my bestie. It felt like college days all over again. I love Starbucks and found out there was one near our hotel. It was pouring down rain and my bestie still said let’s go. I went all mom mode because did not bring clothes for the rain, and we didn’t have umbrellas…she said you have a point. But, we’re on momcation and so we’re going to do all the things we would normally say no as a mom. So yup, we ran through the pouring rain to go to Starbucks. The weight and stress of life flowed off my skin with the rain. There was this weight of life lifted off me. In that moment, I knew I could come back and be a better wife and mom because I would be a better ME.

This trip taught me so many things. I have learned that I am ok traveling alone. I have learned that I need to take more time out for myself - I can’t pour from an empty cup. I am a wonderful mom, but I am also Aisha and it's important for me to remember that. Taking a momcation is a refresher that every mom needs to take. It’s a vacation to unwind, relax, and love yourself! So, I recommend every mom do it. Take that time. YOU DESERVE IT. YOU NEED IT!



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